Nikki Miller, Editor

Age Scotland: tell us how we can help

Let’s make Scotland a great place to grow older! We’d love Scotland to be a country free from loneliness and isolation in older people. One where older people feel engaged and valued in their communities and where services for older people are fair and accessible, allowing them to live independently for as long as they’re able to do so. At Age Scotland, that’s our vision. With an ageing population that vision has never been more important. And, as we are all ageing at the same rate, improving the quality of life for older people is an investment in everyone’s future.

Age Scotland’s Body Boosting Bingo


100,000 older people in Scotland feel lonely most or all of the time, and 1 in 9 older people have not had a conversation with friends or family for a month. We believe in today’s Scotland this simply should not be the case. Our work focuses on eliminating loneliness and social isolation, helping older people to stay engaged, active and valued in their communities; encouraging inter-generational bonds and promoting positive views of ageing.


Everyone has a stake in ensuring later lives are meaningful and rewarding, because it’s the future we all face. By supporting Age Scotland you can not only aspire to this, but can contribute to achieving it.

Get Involved

There are a number of ways you can get involved with the charity from organising your own fundraising event at school or with your family and friends, whether it’s a cake bake or fun day we’ll support you every step of the way, to taking part in a challenge event, joining our Thrive! programme or volunteering.

For more information on ways you can support Age Scotland contact Stacey Kitzinger on or 0333 323 2400

Thank You!