Nikki Miller, Editor

The Compass School’s Great Camp-Out For Carers Raises Over £1600

Last week, children, parents and staff at The Compass School, Haddington took part in an event entitled The Great Compass Camp-Out For Carers which has now raised over £1600 for NHS Charities Together!

Two boys in Primary 5, Rory Hannay and Harris Moodie-Cook, came up with the idea to support our amazing NHS workers who are working so hard to keep us safe and to care for others.

The boys asked everyone to pitch a tent in their gardens and spend the night camping out (or to make a den inside if they did not have a tent) and make a small optional donation in support of NHS Charities Together via the boys’ Just Giving page at:

The boys said; “If we all camp out at the same time it means that even though we can’t see each other in person at the moment, we can at least all come together in spirit for a night and do something fun for a great cause!”

The boys were delighted with the response to their idea and were astonished by the support they received with online donations reaching £1340, which with Gift Aid takes the total well over £1600!

A short video was made of the event which can be viewed at:

This event has been one of a series of fund-raising initiatives undertaken by Compass families and staff in the past month which has resulted in over £5000 being raised for a variety of great causes, such as CHAS, Leuchie House and NHS charities.


Headteacher, Mr Mark Becher, said: “Following the successes of previous fund-raising initiatives in recent weeks which have raised an incredible £5000 for good causes, we have been astonished by the continuing generosity and enthusiasm of The Compass School community, its families and friends. Rory and Harris came up with a really imaginative and fun way for us all to do something together, even though we physically cannot be with each other just now. At this time of year, Compass children are very often out of school on residential camps. Sadly, the current crisis has put paid to those adventures, but that has not stopped our children enjoying an exciting outdoor experience ‘together’. At the same time, we have been delighted to be able to raise such a significant amount for the charities which are supporting our amazing NHS workers at this challenging time.”