Laura Vida, Feature Writer

Worn In Wardrobe: An online shopping paradise for parents

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

4 months into parenthood, I noticed the odd gap in my little one’s wardrobe. We needed a pram suit, a baby sleeping bag and the odd jumper. I also wanted splashsuits so I could keeping using the sling, whatever the weather. Now I do quite enjoy children’s clothes shopping, but I also get bored easily. And while I’m basically a fan of JoJo, Kidly and John Lewis, I only buy sale stuff. So I was overjoyed to discover the Edinburgh startup Worn In Wardrobe. Here’s why this super slick website is now my go-to for baby gear:


Worn In Wardrobe is designed for parents who want to be able to buy quality children’s clothes without breaking the bank.

High-end, designer and high street items are hugely more affordable than in a store.

You are actively encouraged to sell your clothes back to Worn In Wardrobe once your child has outgrown them.


There is an impressive range of children’s clothes – economy, high-end and high street – to suit all tastes and lifestyles.

Shopping Experience

Shopping on the website is a hugely enjoyable (dare I admit it, therapeutic) experience! There are so many stunning and practical children’s clothes and, for once, they are affordable!


Busy parents do not need to waste time haggling or waiting to buy individual secondhand items online.


Items are all quality and condition checked by a human being. This means your purchases will arrive in beautiful condition. You can also trust that items will arrive as described and as seen on the website.


As parents, we all want to do our bit for the environment. WIW is a highly convenient way of playing our part in a circular economy. By doing so, we are also setting a great example for future generations and helping promote planet-friendly living. What more could we ask?!