Propensity to Protect offers on-site child protection training courses at all levels.
Training is tailored to your organisation’s needs and on average costs less than £10 per head (depending on staff group). Training is delivered in line with Scottish Government and Care Inspectorate requirements. Certificates and handouts provided.
Training courses routinely offered are:
Child Wellbeing and Protection for Staff;
Managing Child Protection for Supervisors and Managers,
Managing Allegations of Abuse Against Staff and Volunteers,
Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and Abuse Across the Lifespan.
Management development sessions and quality improvement can also be provided.
Policy development can be provided to ensure your organisation is compliant with regulatory bodies.
Propensity to Protect is run by a sole trader who has current experience and delivers Scotland-wide. Current social distancing rules are adhered to by providing online sessions via video conferencing.
Please contact or on 0797 463 8904