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Watch George Heriot’s Open Morning on Saturday 25 September 2021

This year the Heriot’s Open Morning will be virtual – this way we can keep visitors, pupils and staff safe. On this day, we will release a generic whole school film and a specific Junior School and Senior School film.

These films will give viewers a flavour of what an education at George Heriot’s School offers. We will also release an Admissions film which explains the application process to George Heriot’s.

In early October we will release four further films which focus on teaching and learning in Junior School – across the Lower, Middle and Upper Primaries – as well as in Senior School. Dates for the release of these films will be published shortly.

In the meantime, the 2020 Open Morning film is available to watch – we hope you enjoy it. The film gives a deliberately short flavour of what George Heriot’s offers. It is open for anyone to watch and we hope it encourages you to want to consider the school for your child. The first section is an overview of Junior and Senior Schools; the second section covers pastoral care, admissions, finance and the Foundation.

Please get in touch should you have any questions: or call 0131 221 6709. We are delighted to be able to accept visitors on-site again during term time. We are limited with the number of visits we can offer due to current Government guidelines and are therefore still offering the option of having a Zoom meeting as an alternative.

Should you wish to arrange a visit or a Zoom meeting, please contact the Admissions Office who will be happy to make arrangements for you.

Heriot’s is proud to welcome children from all walks of life. Means tested financial assistance is available to help with school fees, including fully-funded places for children who have lost a parent, through our Foundation.

GEORGE HERIOTS SCHOOL Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9EQ

Day School

Boys and Girls from 3yrs to 18yrs


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