The perfect opportunity for you and your child to connect with other non-English speaking parents is by attending a specialist playgroup in Edinburgh or one of the city libraries that host a Bookbug session in Spanish, Polish, Italian or Gaelic. These sessions are usually free or playgroups ask for a small contribution towards running costs and are available during term time only. Language groups will charge per session. Please note that some sessions may require a ticket.
Spanish, Gaelic, Polish and Italian Parent, Baby and Toddler Groups
James Gillespie's School- 120 Warrender Park Rd, Edinburgh EH9 1DD
Los sábados por la mañana.
The Glencorse Centre, Auchendinny, EH26 0QZ
First Sunday/Domenica of the month. 10am-12pm
Per informazioni contattare 07477558565
English language Bookbug, Mondays from 10.30am until 11am
Spanish language Bookbug, Mondays from 11.30am until noon
English language Bookbug, fortnightly on Saturdays from 11am to 11.30am
Polish language Bookbug, fortnightly on Saturdays from 11am to 11.30am
Book your Bookbug places online.
English language Bookbug, Tuesdays from 10.30am to 11amEnglish language Bookbug, Thursdays from 10.30am to 11am
Polish language Bookbug, fortnightly on Fridays from 10.30am to 11am
Spanish language Bookbug, fortnightly on Fridays from 10.30am to 11am
No booking required.
English language Bookbug, Tuesdays from 10.30am to 11am
Gaelic language Bookbug, first Wednesday of the month from 1pm to 1.30pm (during school term time only).
English language Bookbug, Fridays from 10.30am to 11am
Free tickets available at reception on the day from 10am.
Age 2 - 6yrs
Saturday Mornings 10:30am
Tollcross Community Centre - 117 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh EH3 9QG
Fridays 10am-10:45am £4
Toy Library
A great place for babies and toddlers to play and make new friends. Parents or carers can have coffee and chat while children play. Also borrow toys to take home.
Play Plus Toy Library - Open every Tuesdays and Thursdays during school terms 10:30 am to 12 pm.
Gorgie/Dalry Toy Library - Open every Monday during school terms 10 am to 11.30 am.
The Kings Hall Toy Library - Play Sessions run fortnightly on Wednesday mornings during term time from 09.30 to 11.30am term time.
See: Playgroups by: Area or Week Day or by Language