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Kindergarten Accepting Applications For 2023/24

Where society is becoming increasingly digital, with more and more young children learning to swipe before they can walk; where pupils as young as four years old are embarking on their school career; and where childhood is heading indoors, Edinburgh Steiner School looks at education from a different standpoint to mainstream independent nurseries in Scotland.

Kindergarten, for children aged 3.5 - 6 years old, is an enabling environment where the rhythm of daily life is simple and unhurried without the notions of ‘achievement’,’ success’, or ‘failure’.

Our Early Years provision ranked ‘very good’ in its latest unannounced visit by the Care Inspectorate (Care Inspectorate report) Steiner philosophy behind ‘rhythm’ is not a routine or schedule but to integrate the child’s need for in-breaths and out-breaths – time for quiet absorption (painting) followed by time for moving and expansion such as free play. So, a time to create and a time to release. This is enhanced by the rhythm of the week where a certain activity marks the difference in days of the week, which are unchanged, such as soup-making Mondays and bonfire Fridays. Children know what will be coming next which builds a sense of security in the adults and environment around them. Waldorf early years education is integrated into the Domestic Arts, where the children learn for life from life throughout life.

Visit to learn more.

To apply to start Kindergarten in August 2023, contact:


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